Urban Growers

Hot Sauces from Urban Growers, (Los Angeles, CA) -

Growing as Usual

We’ve been growing as usual but we wanted to give you an Update from Urban Growers –

Let’s get right into our update on what is going on – first, YES we are still making & selling hot sauces –

Our previous message about how, our beginnings are more than ‘just’ a hot sauce company – was shared to prepare all of you for much MORE from us, than ‘just’ hot sauce.

We grow our own peppers for our hot sauces; as a result we sometimes have MORE peppers than we can use and real soon will be selling peppers to local stores, restaurants and other hot sauce/salsa companies. We grow peppers that we use for current sauces we sell, but also several peppers that are not part of any current sauces.

hot sauce from theurbangrowers.com

Soon you’ll be able to purchase seeds from us too, and not only for peppers.

We have been growing other fruits, vegetables & flowers in our Urban Garden. Stay tuned to see what seeds for sale Urban Growers will have available for you. Make sure you’re on our Mailing List below AND that you are following us on social media. We’ll be giving away some awesome prizes with special deals EXCLUSIVELY for our mailing list and social media followers. AND you’ll be the FIRST to know when our Hot Sauces are on Sale again!

Speaking of our Hot Sauces –

You may know our story of starting out with selling our Father’s recipe. His special habanero based sauce that he called “the Vicious” was already popular with our family and friends. We knew that sauce would also be well received by others. What we didn’t know is whether or not people would like the additional hot sauces we made.

Much of what we’ve been doing these first 3 years, as we grow our business, is test things out and see what’s working and what isn’t. All of you who have bought hot sauce, tasted our sauces at live pop ups, given feedback etc have been so valuable. It turns out, a whole lot of people really enjoy adding our sauces to their meals!

So we made a decision to make that part of our business even better.

We’ve been in search of a Co-packing company, to help us with that goal. It has taken a bit longer than we anticipated – if you know of a good company in or near the Los Angeles area, please feel free to contact us with that suggestion today!

In the meantime, we will be selling Merch – and we’re asking for fans of our hot sauce to support our company through our Merch Store (coming in the next few weeks) –

Also Subscription Services are on the way!

You’ll be able to become one of our “Special Members” – and receive Hot Sauces, whole peppers, seeds & more – More details are on the way. Check back here real soon – but remember our Mailing List & social Media followers will know first!

Hot Sauces from Urban Growers, (Los Angeles, CA) -

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